Detailed explanation of Value Types and Reference Types
What are the categories of data types in C#?
- · Data types are categorized into 2 types in C#. They are value types and reference types.
What are the differences between values types
and reference types? Explain with example where ever necessary.
Value types are stored in
Stack and reference types are stored in Heap.
Lets create an example class to explain various things in
Memory allocation for value types and reference Types |
Below example is to
explain what’s object and what is the reference.
Class obj = new Class();
new Class() // constructor call to create
an object which stays in heap.
Class obj // This is declaration of
reference variable which can hold the address of Class.
However for our comfort we call obj in the
above code as object instead of reference.
Comments are added for method TestValueAndRefTypes
in class Practical to explain what happens in memory after execution of each
line of code.
public void TestValueAndRefTypes()
Practical objPrac= new Practical();
Let’s see what happens in memory after above
line of code runs.
When the Above code runs Object is created for
Practical class in Heap and it’s address is assigned to the reference variable ObjPrac.
As ObjPrac is local to the method. This pointer
stays in Stack and pointing to the Object created in Heap.
ObjPrac will hold memory for below 3 variables
in the Heap.
TestA, TestB and ObjectCls which
are its properties.
Even though TestA is int it resides in Heap as
it’s actually under object. TestB which is string is also stored in Heap. ObjectCls
object is created in Heap as expected and it’s reference also stays in Heap.
int valA = 10; // valA variable gets placed in Stack
string valB = "ValB"; // valB gets placed
in Heap.
Now let’s see how the copying happens in values types and reference types
with examples
Copying reference variables
// Value Types
int a = 1;
int b = a; // Value of a is copied to be.
b = 2;
As a and b be are independent changing b should not impact a value.
Copying of Reference types
Console.WriteLine("\n Test
Copying of Class Object");
TestValueAndRef objTestFirst = new TestValueAndRef();
= 10;
= "Original";
TestValueAndRef ObjTestCopy =
Address of objTestFirst is copied to ObjTestCopy
// Now modify the values of Copy
ObjTestCopy.XXX = 20;
ObjTestCopy.YYY = "Modified";
:{0} \n,objTestFirst.YYY : {1}", objTestFirst.XXX, objTestFirst.YYY);
Console.WriteLine("End : Test
Copying of Class Object");
Copying of String variable
String acts like value type though it’s a reference type.
Example for Copying String variables
string RefB = "RefB";
One object is created in heap for RefB.
string RefC = RefB;
If String acts like ref type address of RefB should be copied to
And if Recf Changes, RefB should change
to maintain the same value as RefC
But that doesn't happen. Only value is
copied to RefC and Change to RefC doesn't
impact RefB.
RefC = "RefC";
What do you mean by string is immutable?
String is immutable means once variable is assigned
with some value, it cannot be changed.
Example: String is Immutable
string RefB = "RefB"; // One object is
created in heap for RefB
RefB = "New" + RefB;
Instead of changing the value in the existing
Object,new Object is created in heap for string,
Every time you try to assign/change a the
value of it.
Though it can't be seen here that’s how things happen
What is StringBuilder ? What is necessity for
StringBuilder in C#?
As string is immutable as string value changes
in the program more number of objects are created in the memory which is memory
overhead. This can be overcome with StringBuilder
which maintains only one Object and if value changes for
the Object, new object will not be created. Hence StringBuilder should be
alternative for String when string likely to have more changes.
Example for StringBuilder:
StringBuilder sbStr = new StringBuilder();
Console.WriteLine("String Builder Value:{0}",sbStr);
Copying of StringBuilder
String Builder is a reference type and it behaves as expected
unlike string which acts like value type.
StringBuilder sbStr = new StringBuilder();
// Copying of StringBuilder
StringBuilder newSBStr = sbStr;
newSBStr.Append("New Value
Output :Copying One String Builder to Another |
What is Boxing and Unboxing?
Converting Value types to reference type is
called Boxing and converting the boxed reference value to value type is called
When is the memory of value type and reference
types released?
As value types are stored in Stack and actually releases
the memory one variable gets out of scope.
For example a variable declared inside a method loses
it’s memory which is stack immediately after exaction of that method.But
references types which are stored in the heap doesn’t release memory even after
being out of scope. The memory of these objects which are heap will be flushed
or released by garbage collector which runs automatically at certain intervals to
claim the unused objects memory.